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Bridge Design and Building
A resource for Clifton State High School
History of Bridges
Task 1
(History: ACDSEH003, ACHHS205, ACDSEH005, ACDSEH040, ACDSEH050, ACDSEH051, ACDSEH016, ACHHS151, ACHHS157)
Create a timeline of when these bridges were made:
Arkadiko Bridge (ancient Greece)
Anji Bridge (Sui dynasty, China)
Trajan's Bridge (Roman bridge in Serbia, 105 CE)
Alcántara Bridge (Roman bridge, Spain, 106 CE)
Meganebashi Megane bridge (Japan's oldest stone arch bridge)
Inca Suspension Bridges (South America, difficult to date)
Ponte Vecchio (Built sometime around 996 CE, Italy)
Passerelle Eiffel (France)
Maurzyce Bridge (Poland)
Lake Pontchartrain Causeway (USA)
Oshima Bridge (Japan)
Quebec Bridge (Canada)
Chaotianmen Bridge (China)
Akashi Kaikyō Bridge (Japan)
Sutong Bridge (China)
Task 2
(Mathematics and Science: ACMMG165, ACMMG022, ACSSU111; Geography: ACHGS042)
Classify each bridge from Task 1 as one of the following types and make a sketch of each of these six bridge types:
cable-stayed bridges
Task 3
(Science: ACSHE220; Digital technologies: ACTDIP020)
Pick one type of bridge and make a decision tree that would help you choose that type of bridge from the others. See below for a funny example. Use several questions to do with shapes and design of the bridge.
Put your decision tree into a graphical editor or use a word processor.
Task 4
Make a decision tree to classify all bridges into one of these types.
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